
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Obama's Folly

Amir Taheri explains the assist Obama gave to Iranian president Ahmadinejad by saying if elected president he would meet with the Iranian leader with no preconditions.

Not good. Not smart.


  1. Of course having a U.S. presidential candidate offer such validation to our rogue enemies is a problem. But then these enemy sympathizer and enabler LibDems weep and feign being offended when get exposed and called on the carpet.
    What Bush said could not have been more true, although he could have taken his criticism even farther. The LibDems just tried to play their usual PC game as defense and turn it back on him, is all.
    Libs and their misplaced sympathies and misplaced loyalties always cause problems. They just look at things wrong. Not just different, but wrong. The lack of patriotism and the “America is bad” stance of the Hate America First Left crowd and the Muslim they are about to insert as our new president are indicative off this idiot anti-American mindset.

  2. why don,t we just kill every human being on earth but americans. why, because the republicans wouldn,t be able to make money. your such a jackass that you don,t even know that your party isn,t even represented in the upcoming election. mccain is a democrate that calls himself a republican.

  3. why don,t we just kill every human being on earth but americans. why, because the republicans wouldn,t be able to make money.

    And you call me a jackass! LOL!...
