
Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Two Churches, Two Countries, Two Races, One Goal

My print column is up about two churches, white and black, moving beyond the dreaded conversation on race.


  1. Bitter blacks want our “new” national conversation about race to be just more of the same tired old one-sided scolding of whites.

    And about your article, Gil, comparing African blacks to our problem America blacks is not realistic. Even African blacks don’t like our urban homie variety. Most of them do not feel the blind racial brothahood solidarity against whites to American blacks only because they share a skin color that we see between fellow American blacks. In many ways African blacks are much different than the American kind. Although in other ways they are very much the same.

  2. randal,
    Could you be more of a prejudiced bunghole w/o a brain?

  3. There is never anything "racist" about the truth. Stifling PC be damned.

  4. Has nothing to do with being PC, more to do with the fact that you're a dumbass that makes sweeping generalizations, but of course I'm sure you understand this blind racial bruthahood since you know and spend time with so many blacks. - " Even African blacks don’t like our urban homie variety. Most of them do not feel the blind racial brothahood solidarity against whites to American blacks only because they share a skin color that we see between fellow American blacks. In many ways African blacks are much different than the American kind. "

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That's "brothahood". Get it right.
