
Friday, August 29, 2008

Anna Nicole Palin

That's the ticket? Heh.


  1. LOL. Funny stuff Gil. But
    I just watched her make a speach in Pa., and all I could think of was the SNL church lady, and when she spoke of her son leaving for Iraq, she made it sound like he was going off to summer camp.

  2. When I saw Obama’s speech on race it was like watching that black racist “comedian” Dave Chappelle.

    Just because she doesn’t weep and whine and hate Bush, this doesn’t mean this woman doesn’t care about her kid as much as others do theirs. Instead of taking back-stabbing lessons from the despicable likes of Cindy Sheehan, some folks should follow Palin’s lead and show some dignity, class and respect for their brave soldier sons and our President.

    And with BOTH Repubs on the ticket having kids in the sand in Iraq, the whiners won't be able to play their childish Michelle Moore Standard. Ya know they gotta hate having that petty Lib rug yanked out from under them!
