
Sunday, August 31, 2008

Kossacks Staying Classy

A diarist at the hard left-wing Daily Kos suggests that Sarah Palin's 4-month old son, Trig, isn't hers but maybe her 16-year-old daughter's who might have been raped or something.


"Normally," writes Inky99, "I'd say this is a totally private issue for them, but seeing as how she's quite willing to butt into the private lives of every other American woman, I think it's fair game."

So because Palin is pro-life, it is fair game to publicly speculate -- based on no evidence whatsoever -- that she's a liar and her daughter is a rape victim.

Why not throw in a little speculation about incest in the Palin family too?

Charming but somehow not surprising.

UPDATE: From the news story linked to by Inky99:

"Palin noted another Alaska governor welcomed a new baby to his family while in office -- Mike Stepovich, who served as territorial governor in the late 1950s.

"Having kids and serving as governor are entirely compatible, she said.

"To any critics who say a woman can't think and work and carry a baby at the same time, I'd just like to escort that Neanderthal back to the cave," Palin said.

UPDATE II: Harvey at IMAO likes the Palin choice because it makes lefties says such dumb things.


  1. Another non-issue. First of all, the chances od an older woman giving birth to a child with Downs syndrome are greater than a younger woman. Second, if it is true, it would simply be cruel to put any of her children through the political wringer. I hope this doesn't result in hours and hours of news coverage. We have much more pressing issues to consider during a national election.

  2. Bob -

    If it's true? You miss the point. To even suggest the very possibility of it being true with no evidence at all is just plain scummy.

    And don't worry. It won't result in hours and hours of news coverage because it is such an obvious and rotten smear attempt.

    Unlike say the Edwards story, which was fact-based and true.

    The only place such a Palin smear like this one could get any traction is at places like Daily Kos and

    If it's true?

  3. To even suggest the very possibility of it being true with no evidence at all is just plain scummy.

    Libs regularly do this with our President and our soldiers.

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  6. Dr. Diano questions the "judgment" of a mother of four, now five, on matters involving her pregnancy.

    Dr. Diano says her not choosing to abort her less than perfect child shows "bad" judgment.

    He continues to lend credence to a phony smear that her son is not her own -- but her grandson and justifies it by saying his preferred candidate has been the victim of phony smears too.

    Excellent! Here's hoping the Obama campaign endorses similar attacks against Palin and her children in the days and weeks to come.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Diano's attempted qualifications notwithstanding, I'm sure his "closet friends" are delighted with his approval of their decision raise their handicapped child.

    As for his...

    "I think that she (Palin) had the right to chose to keep the kid..." let me remove all doubt.

    Pregnant women in this country still have the "right" not to have abortions forced on them, unlike in say, China.

    Diano's judgment, spectacular as it is, leaves much to be desired when it comes to pregnancy issues.

    That he thinks he's competent to criticize the childbearing judgment of a mother of four like Palin is just funny.

  9. But I hope he and other Obama supporters keep it up.

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  11. From Sarah Palin's son might not be her's to "The judgment of millions of child-bearing women" who want "choice" will be brought to bear against McCain and Palin."

    BTW, polls show men are more supportive of abortion rights than women. Wonder why? It's not hard to figure out.

  12. Gil

    I think you've missed MY point. I didnt suggest that it was true. Quite the opposite. The article suggests circumstancial evidence, yet I have questioned their reasoning. But don't try to suggest the Republicans are above these tactics. Lets not forget what the 2000 primary campaign tactics of the Bush party. The trashing of McCain. Was that any less "just plain scummy" as this?
    And it got enough traction to beat the McCain machine back then, didn't it?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Should Dishonest Dave even be chiming on childbearing? I mean, seeing how he’s a man and therefore it’s none of his business and all.


  15. "BTW, polls show men are more supportive of abortion rights than women. Wonder why? It's not hard to figure out."

    "Sure, because it's not their bodies. Duh!"

    No. They are more supportive of abortion because for many men it bails them out of having take responsibility for children they never wanted, didn't mean to conceive and don't want to support.

    Also, it appears that Diano is under the impression that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, women in this country will lose all access to abortion.


    If Roe v. Wade were overturned all that would do is return to the PEOPLE of every state to come to a consensus on the issue.

    Imagine that! In democratic republic the PEOPLE decide what regulations and laws to have concerning pregnancy termination.

    Spencerblog's prediction: Abortion in almost every state would remain legal within the first three months of pregnancy. After that, the rules would vary from state to state. Partial-birth abortion would remain outlawed as it should be and despite the efforts of Barack Obama to keep it legal.

    It is hardly uncommon for people to think that if Roe v. Wade were overturned abortion would automatically become illegal in this county. It wouldn't. It would just be left to the democratic process, permitted in almost every state and reasonably regulated.

    There are plenty of good pro-choice liberal lawyers (male and female) who see Roe v. Wade for what it was, one of the worst reasoned and socially divisive Supreme Court decisions since Taney.

  16. Gil

    You said "To even suggest the very possibility of it being true with no evidence at all is just plain scummy.

    Then I really have to question why you posted this in the first place. I hadn't even heard of this theory until I read your post. Seems to me as though you are contributing to the spreading of this story. Wonder how many others saw the story hear first? Do you think you are helping Palin by bringing attention to this negative story? Dave makes a good point. The right started rumors that Obama was a Muslim. Even though it's not true, a lot of people now believe it. The more people that here this story, the more likely it is that many will buy into it. If you believe this story to be false, you would have served Palin better by just ignoring it. Keep up the good work.

  17. Bob,

    It's what the story says about the lefty blogosphere that is revealing.

    It is being reported on Drudge and elsewhere.

    That Obama supporters are engaging in such a disgusting smear campaign is NEWS.

    Instead of entertaining the possibility that such a ridiculous smear MIGHT be true, Obama's more decent supporters ought to be strongly condemning those who would engage in patent and slanderous nonsense.

    That Diano would attempt to justify it by pointing to unfair attacks on Obama is par for the course. I thought better of you.

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  19. Gil

    You can insult me all you'd like. The fact remains that I picked up this story from Spencerblog. Not from NPR, not from the Inquirer, the Times or MSNBC. You directed me to KOS. Thats where I read the story. Like it or not, you have contributed to giving this story legs. Now you're going to criticize me for looking into it?

  20. reminds me of when diano claimed that he thought mumia was guilty and went on to make a (cut & paste) case for his innocence. Same typical 1) 2) 3) bulletpoints, same cut & paste notes from other sites.

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  22. Lib liars are predictable because they follow a familiar script, S.

  23. Turns out there was no need to cover-up anyway since Messiah Obama has declared attacking family members off limits.
    But clearly some vicious and classless LibDems haven't heeded the words of their leader.

  24. COVERING UP???? Christ, it came out a couple days later!!! Do we really need to do disclaimers when a candidate is introduced and makes his/her speeches?

    Insane. You are truly insane.

    RE: Mumia - that's a situation where you need to have the common sense to "Let it go".

  25. That would require DDD have common sense, S. Libs like him are driven by their feelings. And in the case of Mumia, those feelings are White Guilt. Somehow they see putting a brotha down for being a murderer black militant cop-hating scumbag as somehow worse than murdering innocent unborn children.
    No one ever accused Libs of having common sense.

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  27. Dave,

    Wasn't it you telling R that to support the troops being in Iraq he had to go to Iraq and fight them? Yes it was.

    Why don't you heed your own advice and lay yourself in your tub and let yourself die without food or water. You could be the first person to commit an abortion on their own life!

    Remember, to support your position you must go through it.

  28. LOL! J!

    BTW, God told me that he only allows the abortions of babies that would grow up to be militant killers, depots, drug dealers, etc.

