
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Lies and the Lying Liars Who Have Their Own Revealed

Rich Lowry does an effective job demolishing Obama's claim that the GOP is lying about his position on abortion.

With politicians you don't just listen to what they say. You watch what they do. And you study their voting record.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You pretend as if there is no risk in girls having abortions, DDD.
    And stop trying to sound so shrill. It ain't all that doomy-gloomy.

    Obama has been exposed as just another lying politician.

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  5. Well, sure there are always physical risks. But what the Pro-Baby Murder crowd likes to downplay and have everyone forget is the emotional scars that can remain for years after a girl throws a cut out baby in the trash.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I've always felt like an unwanted baby and a little girl.

  8. It's pretty clear that Obama's the biggest Pro-Abortionist running for the Presidency that we've seen in years. That's going to factor into a vote difference, folks, as pro-lifers don't put stock in the who "legal, safe and rare" nonsense.

    For every one that's an emergency there are many more out of convenience. For this, Barry O's your'e best friend.

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  10. Oh, stop you shrill lying idiot.

  11. yeah... pro-abortion. pro-choice is an unacceptable PC name to massage the truth.

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  13. yeah, Pro-Abortion. I won't let you spin this one.

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  15. We already have universal child health care and the Right does not oppose it, Mr. Pro-Abortion.

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  17. No. The Socialist Libs want to create a monster Socialist entity by socializing our entire Health Care system. Get it right. If it were only about insuring kids the Right would have no problem with it. It’s not.
    Besides, most kids are already covered at the state level. Many just need to have their parents sign them up. No need for a great big Socialist monster.

  18. I love how DD throws out the number of uninsured kids straight from Michael Moore's mouth. Maybe DD should look into how many of those kids are eligble for "CHIP like" insurance but who's parents are too lazy to sign them up. That't not my fault, nor any other Conservatives. I guess "swinging" it like that isn't the same as "pro-abortion" though? Somehow DD can be a hypocrit all the time.

    And while were on this "pro-choice" of whether a woman wants to (as DD puts it), "control their own bodies and destinies and have the final say in whether they bear a child." So why can't a guy control his own destiny and decide "I don't want the kid, therefore I'm not paying child support?" They're just "controlling their destinies."

  19. Somehow DD can be a hypocrit all the time.

    Ain't that the truth!
    The combination of Lying Liberalism and a lack of character will do that to a guy.
