
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Gloom, Doom, Tax and Spend

AP: Obama was less than up front about the budget realities the next president will face.

No kidding.

The backlash to his infomercial probably won't be enough to sink him but it was a dumb campaign move.


  1. check this story out

  2. OMG!
    A politician used a rosy economic projection! Call the police!!

    Oh, wait, didn't pre-SpencerBlog Spencer support the Iraq War and the idiots that said it would pay for itself?

    BTW, how does SpencerBlog think roads, bridges and infrastructure gets built? Money from the tooth fairy?

  3. BTW, how does SpencerBlog think roads, bridges and infrastructure gets built? Money from the tooth fairy?

    Isn't that what our fuel taxes are for?

  4. Infrastructure includes long-distance rail, subways, the national electricity grid, fiber-optic cables, water and sewage lines, schools, etc.

    Fuel taxes are only one component. Income and property taxes are also used to pay for this stuff which has been neglected over the last eight years.

  5. Well, in all fairness to Bush, we have been fight two wars during that time.

    And shouldn’t private utilities handle the upgrading of their own pipes and cables?

    Now, just today in the paper was a letter from our Governor Fast Eddie pushing his support for the $400 million water and sewer referendum question that will be on the ballot Nov 4. What someone needs to ask him is why we need to shell out this money now? Why hasn’t he been taking care of these things all along that he needs to ask us for more money to do his job now? And what happened to the general fund surplus he inherited and squandered?
    There should be an investigation. He’s driving PA into the ground just as the LibDems have NJ and every other state they run (Why anyone would want to give folks with such a crappy track record even more power to ruin our country is anyone's guess).

    Just as he angled for more money for highway infrastructure, never mentioning that he swiped highway money to subsidize SEPTA. Had one of our old bridges fallen into a river he should have been held personally, criminally accountable. Because it would have been directly his fault.
    But the Lib Media loves Fast Eddie and as a result they never ask these tough questions of him.

  6. "Well, in all fairness to Bush, we have been fight two wars during that time."

    fairness? he started the wars, "commander-and-chief-ed" them into disasters, and blew money on failed projects to haliburton and other thieving contractors.

    as for the referendum, local dems and reps are both supporting it. but, maybe you prefer sewage bubbling up in your neighborhood.
