
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Going Nowhere Fast

Historian Paul Johnson laments the future of America and other corrupted western societies and sees an emerging China and India.

Money Q:

"Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was sneered at for stressing the Victorian virtues of industry and thrift. But she was right. These emergent Asian professionals have precisely those virtues, which is why they're moving forward and will eventually conquer the world--not by force but by hard work, intelligence and skill.

"We are traveling along the high road to incompetence and poverty, led by a farcical coalition of fashionably liberal academics on the make, assorted eco-crackpots and media wiseacres. This strain of liberalism is highly infectious. The Indians and Chinese have yet to be infected. They're still healthy, hard at work and going places, full speed ahead."

He could be right.


  1. This strain of liberalism is highly infectious. The Indians and Chinese have yet to be infected.

    Toldja Libism is a disease.

  2. most of the populations of china and india live in poverty.
    liberal policies pull people out of poverty.
    there isn't a cure for neocon fever except massive amounts of factual information. unfortunately, under mccain's health plan, "ignorance" counts as a pre-existing condition.

  3. liberal policies pull people out of poverty

    Translation: Socialist wealth spreading to the lazy like Obama advocates pulls people out of poverty whether they deserve it or not.

    The truth: As with all shortsighted and misguided Liberal schemes, Socialism always backfires and ends up hurting everyone. Liberal Socialism = harm spreading.
