
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Big Fat Loser

A little good news for Republicans and Limbaugh fans, at least Angry Al Franken didn't win in Minnesota.

At least not yet.


  1. Gil - OK. Ill second that. I think he's a lousy politician, and an even worse comedian.

  2. I haven't followed this race, but the margin is under 800 votes. Not only will this trigger an automatic recount, but the provisional ballots could not possibly have been counted yet.
    A dozen provisional ballots per precinct could easily be possible.

    If he ultimately prevails, Coleman is facing an ethics investigation by the Senate (which would be short-circuited only if Coleman lost his Senate seat).

    This story looks to have at least one more twist.

  3. Speaking of losers, what will become of poor Joe the plumber? Country crooner? Reality show? Fox contributer? Conservative Daily News columnist?

  4. Why is Joe the Plumber a “loser”, Boring Bob? Just because he isn’t a shrill Bush-hater?

    Franken is the face of Angry Liberal (AL) idiocy in America. Not much “change” or “unity” to be found in that.

  5. Bob-
    Joe the Plumber keeps appearing on Fox spouting more nonsense about Obama being un-American. I think he's going to wind up being known as Joe the Skinhead.

  6. ...said Dave the Apologist who sees a white racist behind every tree but has never seen a black racist.
