
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Trashing of The President

A former Kerry campaign intern, reporter and lawyer says that the treatment of George W. Bush at the hands of Democrats and the MSM is a national disgrace.

We couldn't agree more.


  1. I will say this - the country will get behind President Obama come January - AND WE NEED TO. In contrast, the country was in no way behind the new President Bush in 2001. Sadly, it took a National Tragedy for unity to come about.

  2. Gil - Much of it is deserved. The author says " his refusal to retreat in Iraq". Thats wrong. It was his invasion of Iraq that inspired so much anger. And if you try to portray this as partisan, thats dishonest. I have never seen the Republican try to distance itself from it's own leader, like I have in the last 4 yrs. It was so bad during the last election, that Republican candidates didn't put their party affiliation on their campaign literature. Do you think that was just an oversight?

  3. The REAL disgrace has been Bush's treatment of the Constitution and our allies.
    I do agree that naming a sewage plant after Bush is inappropriate, but because it would bring undeserved honor to Bush.

    Nothing should bear Bush's name, other than his own Presidential library. That library will offer such glowing praise of Bush's presidency, in contrast to the actuality of it, that it will serve as a permanent example of Bush's disconnect with reality.

  4. Wow. What a piece of whiny, revisionist CRAP that WSJ article is! "The president is not to blame for all these problems"????? Please!

    Guess the names Alberto Gonzalez, Monica Goodling, Donald Rumsfeld, Karl Rove, and Scooter Libby (among others) were easily forgotten by the author.

    But not by the rest of us.

    As a brief reminder:

    How do we as a nation simply ignore Bush's willfull ignorance of Gonzo's totally incompetent stewardship of the DOJ?

    Or his allowing a raving idealogue like Goodling to do the vetting of DOJ hires, thus politicizing that supposedly-independent arm of government into nothing more than a nest of Right Wing true-believers?

    Or Bush's unwavering support of Rumsfeld's non-planning for the aftermath of the Iraq invasion, then being silent regarding Rumsfeld's demonizing of those who dared question it?

    Or allowing Rove (AND Miers) to ignore federal subpoenas? Then state he'd permit Rove to testify...but only if it WASN'T UNDER OATH! How pathetic is THAT?

    Or that Bush boldly stated that if anyone in the WH was involved in the outing of Valerie Plame as a CIA agent, that person would be summarily fired...then he PARDONED convicted felon Scooter Libby?

    And that leaves off other big issues that led to Bush's self-immolation: His (now-proven)lies that led to the Iraq War (Hussein's since-disproven connection to the 9/11 planners, and the incorrect assertion that Iraq had WMD); Bush not standing up for free speech AND legitimate dissent when tacitly approving of surrogates like Coulter, Limbaugh and Hannity calling opponents of the war "traitors", "phony soldiers", and "treasonous"; the disgraceful war-profiteering by Halliburton and Blackwater; and, worst of all, the world-class botching of the federal response to Hurricane Katrina ("Good job, Brownie!").

    And one last thing: Osama. Bin. Laden. Is. Still. At. Large.

    THAT is simply unforgiveable.


  5. Oh, this guy is nuts. And his argument in this piece was trash. See: Clinton years. Also the MSM, as he calls it, was joined by substantial numbers of internet sites who relished the 'trashing'.

    George Buddy

  6. It's you Gil ... you couldn't agree more. You're an island.

  7. George is right on point about the Clinton years.

    This is a free country. People can say whatever they want. As Americans, we owe allegiance to our President, but respect is earned (or lost.)

    If you - meaning any elected official - can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  8. The treason expressed by the Left has indeed been disgraceful.

    Every thinking person knows that the vilifying of Bush –blaming him for everything and overblowing every minor non-issue into a front page issue- was an engineered calculated effort to sully the Repub brand to pave the way for the Liberals to seize power and control. And that underhanded Marxist effort culminated the other day when the sheeple voted for the most Radical Leftist our country has ever has the displeasure of knowing.

  9. Steve-
    A stolen Florida election and stopping the recount didn't put people behind Bush's presidency.

    The unity Bush did get was boosted by his fearmongering and wasted on non-security issues for the neocon agenda.
    1/20/09 Bush's Last Day!!!

  10. Anon:

    A stolen election? Gore purposefully only picked areas (counties) where he thought a recount could help him. A person that I have appeared with on many tv shows about this and other political issues was his lawyer and his name is Steven Sheller. You should ask him what happened. By the way, the New York Times did their own recount and it turned out that Bush won by a much larger margin than the original 527(or whatever the first number was).

    You should be happy that your guy is going to be the President. To be fair, can republicans feel free to treat President Obama the same way (or with the same level of respect) that the dems treated President Bush?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  11. Ray:

    I recall during one of my NIMS training seminars that Louisiana refused the federalization of its emergency services before the hurricane hit, and that federal aid (including police) was stopped at the border of Louisiana for about 5 days before they were allowed in. Do you think that the local govt officials, including Gov Blanco and Mayor "Chocolate City" Nagin, have any responsibility for not allowing a response from the federal govt?

    Mississippi granted the Federal govt's request and they did not have the problems that Louisiana had.

    Bottom line, can we have an honest fact based discussion about Katrina or Iraq, or any other issue that has arisen under President Bush's watch?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  12. Yeah, you're right, "r"...Katrina and the federal non-response to it was certainly a "non-issue", not worthy of any coverage or headlines.

    And lying us into the Iraq war...just another "non-story" trumpeted by those meanies on the Left who believe we should actually have a REASON to go to war, aside from W trying to avenge his daddy and the invoking of made-up crap about WMD and 9/11 connections that DIDN'T EXIST.

    And exposing a CIA agent as retribution for her husband uncovering some of those lies? Yep, guess that's another "non-issue". Especially when Bush PARDONED one of the guys he said he'd FIRE if they were involved. Funny definition of "firing"...a "Get Out Of Jail Free" card...

    I guess your idea of a "real issue", worthy of full-blown 24/7 media coverage, was a President getting a "trouser-friendly kiss". Yeah, that certainly was a major story. HUGE impact on society. Not like the "non-issue" of warrantless wiretapping. Sheesh...

    You are just sad and pathetic.

    You and your fellow wingnuts are SO far out of the mainstream, as Tuesday's results proved. Best to ignore you ranting Right Wing loons while we as a nation try to recover from the 8 years of economic devastation and rudderless "leadership" Bush has left us.

    1/20/09 will be a national holiday...No More Bush Day!

  13. Funny thing, I just read on his official website that he wants all children to do 50 hrs a year of community service. Sounds like a new Hitler Youth movement to me..


  14. A stolen Florida election and stopping the recount didn't put people behind Bush's presidency.

    Exactly. Dems will NEVER take a step back, put their country first and back an incoming Republican President. There's always something that keeps them bitter for the full term. I prefer to give the President Elect the benefit of the doubt.

    I'm an AMERICAN before any member of a political party.

  15. There was no sound reason for the supposedly "pro-states-rights" Bush administration to demand federalized control rather than allow the governor control. Rather, the Bush administration was playing politics with a Dem governor, Blanco.

    Bush's declaration of emergency did NOT include the coastal parishes. "Heckuva Job" Brownie testified that Blanco didn't request aid for that part of Louisiana. Then, Blanco produced a copy of the letter which actually had requested aid for those parishes.

    This is why the Governor and not Bush/Brownie needed to be in charge. Another Bush screw-up and attempt to shift the blame.

  16. can we have an honest fact based discussion about Katrina or Iraq, or any other issue that has arisen under President Bush's watch?

    No. The Libs care not about things like honesty or facts; they're all about avenging their hurt feelings.

    can republicans feel free to treat President Obama the same way (or with the same level of respect) that the dems treated President Bush?

    Sure! Two can play that game. Funny how Libs are suddenly all about bipartisan unity. They must think everyone has forgotten the past eight years where they obstructed everything Bush and the Repubs tried to do.

  17. Anon:

    Esplain to me Lucy why Gov. Blanco allowed aid to sit at the border for days? Also, do you support Nagin's comments that New Orleans would be a chocolate city? Also, did you support the New Orleans PD confiscating weapons and then defying court order to return them to their owners?

    I think that the law required that Louisiana agree to accept federal assistance, which Mississippi accepted. Oh well, you appear to suffer from Bush Derangement Syndrome.

    Lastly Anon, are those of us who are conservative allowed to treat President Obama in the same fashion as liberals treated President Bush, or will the rules change AGAIN?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  18. Anon:

    Esplain to me Lucy why Gov. Blanco allowed aid to sit at the border for days? Also, do you support Nagin's comments that New Orleans would be a chocolate city? Also, did you support the New Orleans PD confiscating weapons and then defying court order to return them to their owners?

    I think that the law required that Louisiana agree to accept federal assistance, which Mississippi accepted. Oh well, you appear to suffer from Bush Derangement Syndrome.

    Lastly Anon, are those of us who are conservative allowed to treat President Obama in the same fashion as liberals treated President Bush, or will the rules change AGAIN?

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  19. That’s a funny observation from a rabid apologist/ Bush-hater who saw EVERYTHING wrong with the Bush response to Katrina and NOTHING wrong with the black response the world got to see on display. Lol…

  20. Bush admin allowed the aid to sit, rather than give authority to governor who knew where to put the aid. Why did Brownie LIE about the governor's request for aid to the parishes?
    Nagin took back those comments, the day after he made them. Get over it.
    Absolutely supported confiscation of weapons. If the NRA is against it, then I'm for it.

    If Obama f%$#s-up the country as bad as Bush, then you can treat him like we treated Bush. If he engages in torture, lies to get us into a war, and violates the Constitution at every turn, then sure, have at it.
    As it stands, unemployment was at 4% when Bush took office and is at 6.5% now (and may go higher by inauguration day). Spending is out of control. Gag orders on doctors. And (except for the response to Obama) the US suffers from low approval in the world.

    If Obama makes this worse, then complain. But if he make this better, shut your pie-hole.

  21. Shut your pie hole? That is not very nice or tolerant.

    Obama is going to give you exactly what you wished for, and since you are one of those people that is driven by emotion and not knowledge, you will have plenty of time to realize how good you had it under the Bush Administration.

    Lastly, spending bills come out of Congress, not the Oval Office. Additionally, I have to applaud you for your position on guns and New Orleans confiscation - if the NRA is for it you are against it??? Wow, you must be a smart guy. Please tell me who you are so that if ever run into you I can shake your hand and praise your tolerance.

    C. Scott Shields, Esquire

  22. …and Apologist Lib Dishonest Dave Diano will blindly defend Obama and his Radical Leftism at all cost, no matter how Obama performs.
