Monday, August 24, 2009

A New Political Species Identified

Matt Continetti identifies the comeback of the "Angry White Liberal."

He names names.

Used to be the AWLs simply suffered from Bush Derangement Syndrome. Now they're starting to hate and condescend to regular citizens who voice disagreement with their Dear Leader on healthcare reform.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of angry white conservatives who still "want their country back" by having a white president instead.

August 24, 2009 at 8:09 PM 
Anonymous jake said...

Wrong as usual anon-diano.
Conservatives of all races and ethnic origins don't care about the color of any President's skin, but the content of his character, consistent with MLK's vision.
This President has shown an eagerness to grow government, raise taxes, spend frivolously, polarize indiscriminately, and apologize internationally for the nation that's been the greatest force for good in the history of the world.
Conservatives see the President's duplicity and embrace of the liberal agenda as a character flaw. He certainly never would have been elected had he shown his "true colors".
It is our patriotic duty to work to defeat programs that are wrong for America.

August 25, 2009 at 8:14 AM 
Blogger steve mcdonald said...

well done jake. welcome to the world of slapping anon-iano around.

August 26, 2009 at 8:28 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Conservatives of all races and ethnic origins don't care about the color of any President's skin, but the content of his character, consistent with MLK's vision."

Are you talking about the same conservatives that are against celebrating MLK's birthday as a holiday? Wake up and smell the racism.

As for "our patriotic duty to work to defeat programs that are wrong for America", we did that by defeating McCain/Palin.

The failure to acknowledge and apologize for mistakes has been holding us back internationally.

Grow up and stop acting like a third grader who is unaware of what this country has done right and wrong.

August 26, 2009 at 12:48 PM 
Blogger steve mcdonald said...

Are you talking about the same conservatives that are against celebrating MLK's birthday as a holiday? Wake up and smell the racism.

Are you labeling all conservatives of being racist? Don't give me talking points or your usual crap - just a straight yes or no will do for this one as you have laid down a strong statement that requires clarification. Since I like the fiscal conservative route, does that mean I am a card carrying racist?

As for "our patriotic duty to work to defeat programs that are wrong for America", we did that by defeating McCain/Palin.

Further proof as to why we can't take this nutjob seriously. He's nothing more than a Democratic Cheerleader - although he once humored us by claiming to be independent. Ooh, McCain/Palin would have been evil, the same McCain the Dems were hoping/wishing/praying would have gone D in 2004 to be Kerry's running mate. Who wants to bet he keeps several blue cheerleading skirts complete with 'D' on the sweater in his closet for rallies?

Grow up and stop acting like a third grader who is unaware of what this country has done right and wrong.

Wake up and learn to be an American above and beyond your present status of a kool-aid-IV'd groupie of a political party. And understand that you can't be taken seriously due to your 'extreme left or die' beliefs - but we've discussed that before...

August 26, 2009 at 2:09 PM 
Anonymous jake said...

You beat me to it.
My enthusiastic response to your appropriate and on-target remarks is: In your face, anon-diano.

August 26, 2009 at 7:00 PM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm talking about the racist whites that are the core (not the entirety, but certainly the driving force) behind the tea parties, separatists, etc.
While this doesn't represent all conservatives, it's certainly an active, vocal part of the base. They can't stand a black man as president. Do you think that the people that fought the government so they could keep blacks on the backs of buses, segregate the schools, have whites-only bathrooms, water-fountains, lunch counters, private clubs and HOSPITALS just vanished overnight?
Grow up!

At family events my older (and uneducated) uncles and cousin toss around the n-word, listen to Fox News, think Obama is a foreigner and don't want a black man running anything. They sent their kids to private Catholic school so they won't have to go to public school with j*ngle-b*nnies. And that's in Philly. They are total racists. They are against MLK day. They even joke about if Obama gets shot they'll the n*gg*rs will want another holiday.
They totally fit in with the town hall nuts and spout the same irrational fears and ignorance.

BTW, I didn't say McCain/Palin are evil However, they are incompetent and have wrong ideas.
We were saved from their wrong (not evil, but wrong) ideas.

YOU are the one distorting by tossing in "evil" and misrepresenting what's been said.

It is YOU, sir, who cannot be taken seriously in a debate or discussion because you try to argue against things that weren't even said.

Like Barney Frank said: "Arguing with you is like arguing with a dining room table." There's no point to it.

August 27, 2009 at 12:56 AM 
Blogger steve mcdonald said...

once again, you are proving to be a clown, just as you always have. You are labeling people racists that don't want big government, people that aren't going to stand for the terrible programs they didn't want to see happen with this administration, and you're letting a few racists (About the same percentage as those throwing batteries at the Vet) represent the whole. How about I bring up your blue collar unions who vote democratic on most if not all elections, how often do they drop the 'n' word on a daily basis and make statements at par with your uncles? Would you like to deny this? Or do you want to tell me that those individuals are actually conservatives? I know how they're registered as does everyone else on this board.

McCain / palin were not incompetent whatsoever. Rather, we would have had a great moderate as president with a long history of working both sides of the aisle with the benefitting us over his party, in lieu of those seeking 60-seat majorities and nuclear options. And, once again, let's be clear - 2008 was a referrendum against W - McCain was up in the polls until the first bank collapse - from that point on he had no chance. Humor me and tell me I'm wrong.

It is YOU, sir, who cannot be taken seriously in a debate or discussion because you try to argue against things that weren't even said.

Like Barney Frank said: "Arguing with you is like arguing with a dining room table." There's no point to it.

that was beautiful, as it goes far to describe yourself! How can I respond other than ask if you looked in the mirror when you typed those lines out? You have a history of 'far left or die' refusing to EVER acknowledge middle ground. You pull up your uber-left talking points from the extreme blogs, you blatantly refuse to meet with anyone here stating you have no need to meet with any of us DESPITE our openness to mett in a civilized manner (So you do treat those who disagree with you as enemies), and you routinely call for Gil's firing because he doesn't write the way you want him to with your overly-liberal intentions, despite an over-abundance of your clones at other liberal rags throughout the Delaware Valley. Now who's ine impossible one? Should we refer to you as the 'brick wall on the left'?

August 27, 2009 at 7:42 AM 

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