Friday, November 27, 2009

Howling Into The Wind

Daily Howler Bob Somerby takes his fellow "liberals" to task for their brainless hatred and willingness to believe the worst about people from outside their "tribe."

Money Q:
For decades, a large amount of “liberal” politics had really been tribal hatred. This helps explain why there’s nothing resembling a progressive politics in this benighted, laughing-stock nation. In all honesty, pseudo-liberals are in this game so we can vent at the unwashed masses—at the tea-baggers, the redneck racists, the people whose limbic brains don’t work right.


Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Gil - Again with the Sarah Palin hate talk. This time I think it's Somerby who's guilty of poor journalism. Maybe Somerby can address this issue. Why can't one be critical and disagree with Palin without being accused of hating her? BTW, great editorial in the Fri. Nov. 27 Times. Are you still on the editorial board?

November 27, 2009 at 11:02 AM 
Blogger jake said...

Your bias is showing,which is exactly the point of the article.
The suicide of Bill Sparkman provoked the liberal left and you into the predictable kneejerk reaction against people who don't share your tribe's views.
Governor Palin is only mentioned twice in the article, the same as Rachel Maddon, while tea-baggers are mentioned six times.
How can the author, Somerby, be guilty of poor journalism when he nails you in advance for your anticipated response?

November 27, 2009 at 1:14 PM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Jake - You say "The suicide of Bill Sparkman provoked the liberal left and you into the predictable kneejerk reaction against people who don't share your tribe's views."
Jake, you have assumed my reaction to Sparkmans death. Who's bias is showing Jake?

My "tribe" didn't draw any conclusions about the Sparkman death. As a matter of fact, the initial evidence was so strange, it was impossible to draw a conclusion.

Somerby is obviously out of touch with his "tribe". Somerby has bought into the conservative spin, that if someone on the left is critical of, say, Sarah Palin, then they hate Sarah Palin. It's just ridiculous. I think Somerby needs to attend a meeting with Chief Halftown.

Now Jake, would you like to share your thoughts on the Friday, 27th editorial in the Times?

November 27, 2009 at 3:43 PM 
Blogger jake said...

Let me try to help you understand, Bob.
There is no assumption of your bias. You jumped to labeling Somerby's thoughtful analysis as "Sarah Palin hate talk". Your bias was on display exactly as the author predicted.

The Delco Obama Times was also very predictable. They don't like Rove, Cheney and Fox News. They think we should be grateful the government is giving us back our own money, blah, blah.
Pretty routine stuff -- I'm surprised you even found it worth mentioning.

November 28, 2009 at 10:10 AM 
Blogger Spencerblog said...


To answer your question: I am still on the Daily Times editorial board but I am not the editorial page editor.

You will not be surprised to learn that I personally and wholeheartedly disagree with that particular editorial.

November 28, 2009 at 10:36 AM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Gil - NO!!! Really?

November 28, 2009 at 12:55 PM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Jake - You were very clear in stating that you knew my reaction to Sparkmans death. Here's your statement - "The suicide of Bill Sparkman provoked the liberal left and you into the predictable kneejerk reaction against people who don't share your tribe's views." The "and you" part Jake. That's an assumption of bias. Plain and simple.
And then you say - "You jumped to labeling Somerby's thoughtful analysis as "Sarah Palin hate talk". Maybe you need to reread my post. Carefully. I accused Somerby of buying into the right wing spin tactic of labeling any criticism of Palin as hate speach. I used Sarah Palin as an example, because Somerby used her as an example.

As for the Times editorial being predictable, if I remember right, a few yrs. ago the Times was writing editorials in support of the invasion of Iraq. Maybe there comes a time when the obvious simply can't be denied. Was that a cane or a seeing eye dog?

November 28, 2009 at 12:55 PM 
Blogger jake said...

Bob, Bob, Bob,
Enough backtracking and spinning. Like your global warming email brethren, I guess it all depends on what your definition of "tricks" are.
Somerby's article was no more about Sarah Palin than was your initial post about right wing spin on her behalf.
Saying so after-the-fact doesn't make it so.
Your liberal bias got nailed, and all your subsequent hyperventilation, and lame attempts at humor about the handicapped, don't change a thing.

And please don't waste our time with the suggestion that the mainstream media is anything but full-bore liberal. Even you can't believe they're close to objective.

November 28, 2009 at 11:14 PM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Jake Jake Jake - Once again, you avoid answering my questions, and owning up to your contradictions.
You call for an end to backtracking, because when we backtrack, we expose the hypocrisy and weekness in your argument.
Jake, your own bias got nailed when you assumed to know my reaction to Sparkmans death. I challenge any reader to reread your post and draw any other conclusion.

And you refer to my "lame attempts at humor about the handicapped"
Another spin. Anyone reading my post understands that the joke was about your inability to see the truth. I had no idea that you were so concerned with political correctness. That being the case, in the future, I'll refer to you as wearing horse blinders. But wait! No, that wouldn't work. You can't put blinders on the south end of a north bound horse.

November 29, 2009 at 11:06 AM 
Blogger jake said...

Blah, Blah, Blah
It seems like someone continued posting after their brain shut off.
That's alright. Most of us nodded off two or three rants ago.

November 29, 2009 at 7:58 PM 

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