Thursday, April 1, 2010

Against Obamacare? You're Insane!

Liberal Matt Miller questions the sanity of Republicans:
Has anyone else noticed that seemingly well-adjusted Republicans have been driven insane by the passage of Obamacare? You can catch them muttering under their breath, whimpering on editorial pages and howling to the moon that this Democratic victory is the death knell for much that we cherish in American life.
The same goes for those nutty tea partiers, and for the 54 percent of Americans who think Obamacare, with its expansion of government power, new entitlements and taxes is a debt-inducing dangerous folly.

I guess that would make Nobel-winning economist Gary Becker insane as well for pointing out that Obamacare makes our healthcare system more socialist than Switzerland's. Actually, even without Obamacare our healthcare system is more socialistic than Switzerland's. Here healthcare eats up 17 percent of GNP, in Switzerland only 11 percent. The reason: Here people only pay 12 percent of healthcare costs out of pocket, in Switzerland, people pay 31 percent, which encourages price shopping and competition for services, creating a downward pressure on prices. Obamacare does nothing to control the cost curve of healthcare.

But why listen to Becker, or Rep. Paul Ryan, or anyone else when it comes the dangers of Obamacare. Those people are INSANE.

Oh yeah, and they're racist too.


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