
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Post Office By Any Other Name...

The leader of a petition drive fighting the renaming of the Cheyney post office has a history that makes it very unlikely a post office will ever be named after him.

My print column is up.

UPDATE: This just in from petition drive leader Jim Gillespie:
Thanks Gil,

I needed that.

Anyway, I received a letter from Sestak yesterday. One of the things I have noticed was neither of the townships had said anything about this in their newsletters. Apparently Thornbury Chester County didn't know and Thornbury Delco decided not to mention it in their news letter. Sestak said he discussed it with Thornbury Delco, the residents I spoke with were mystified why it wasn't in their Township newsletter. I guess the information never rolled down hill.

My issues had nothing to do with this issue.
Daily Times readers and his fellow Cheyney residents can decide that for themselves.

UPDATE II: Jim is also commenting on the column under the name Zippy. I have to admit, Zippy Gillespie has a nice ring to it.


  1. After reading today's column, I couldn't help but have one overwhelming thought:
    Where is Gil Spencer and what have you done with him?

    Just because Jim Gillespie might have some failings as a messenger doesn't diminish the value of his message. Why should the residents of western Delaware County be subject to Admiral Ambitious' politically-correct Primary Election pandering when it is entirely irrelevant to their community?

    This Tuskegee Airman is fully deserving of all the respect we can muster, particularly since he went on to serve his Radnor community and demonstrated civic responsibility as well as military courage.

    It is far more fitting and appropriate to honor this black pioneer at a post office he might have used, than to arbitrarily attach recognition to some random location under false pretenses. Aren't we all sick of polarizing identity politics masquerading as self-righteous good intentions?

    Delaware County doesn't need Admiral Shipwreck to dictate his campaign strategy on an unwilling and reluctant community. Hasn't Washington heard the message yet? The people don't want or need the overreaching nanny state of liberal pawns like Admiral Six-Pack or Benedict Spector to keep interfering with their lives and wasting their money.

    The Daily Times should go out to the Brandywine Youth Club's Opening Day to really appreciate the Gillespie family. That would be a story more consistent with the Gil Spencer I know.

  2. I dunno Jake, when it comes to messengers, I draw the line at Megan's Law List inductees.

    As for Sestak, sure this move is a bit of a pander but to call it an example of "polarizing identity politics masquerading as self-righteous good intentions" is a bit of a stretch.

    Just because it was Sestak who did it doesn't make it wrong or a bad idea.

    Martin Luther King was honored in many places he never lived or had much to do with. So was Ronald Reagan.

    This is a nice thing that has been made into way too big a deal.

    And finally, I don't know the Gillespie family or it's connection to the Brandywine Youth Club's Opening Day, but given Zippy's record, it's a story on which I think I'll pass.
