
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Somerby Howls

White liberal Bob Somerby gives his kin hell.
White liberals are full of racial greatness—except when the lives of minority kids are at stake. At such moments, we take a pass. Go ahead, check it out—go search your favorite fiery site! Go examine the work of the fiery editors who never fail to assure the world of their own racial grandeur.

Can we talk? As it turns out, we liberals are remarkably small, ratty people. Go ahead—just search those sites! You couldn’t make liberal editors publish work about low-income kids—unless an article on the topic could somehow get them on Hardball.

Chris Matthews, of course, hasn’t been re-purposed to that extent yet. Final question: Why don’t “liberal” shows on Our Own News Channel discuss the lives of low-income kids? Crackers! Could the answer be more clear? They know we white “liberals” don’t care!

To all appearances, neither do they. It makes for a heavenly marriage.
Somerby goes on to discuss the Pulitizer Prizes awarded to Maureen Dowd in 1999 and Kathleen Parker yesterday.
Dowd won the Pulitzer Prize for commentary in 1999. Parker has won it eleven years later. But let’s give credit where credit is due: In its long, slow move up to Parker from Dowd, the Pulitzer people have made the long climb from moral squalor all the way up to mediocrity. Let’s give credit where credit is due: In its eleven-year climb back from Dowd, the Pulitzer committee has defined deviancy up.

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