
Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Another Spencerblog BIG Announcement

In the spirit of Ronald Reagan's "Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!" - and at the suggestion of Media civil rights attorney C. Scott Shields - Spencerblog readers will now be able post comments in real time.

Rules of civility, however, will remain in place. Comments deemed off topic, offensive and/or beyond the pale will be removed.

Snarky is fine. Personal insults are not.

We'll see how it goes.


UPDATE: Whoops! There. That should do it. Thanks Danny!


  1. Thanks to you and C.Scott!
    I think you will get more feedback and back and forth this way.

  2. Starting tomorrow? Locks are still on!

  3. It's not going to make any difference. This blog has been a electronic ghost town for months.

    The only reason I saw your blog tonight was because I was on the phone with a friend who asked if I'd seen some article you wrote, and I came here looking for the link, rather than hunt Delco Times for it.

    BTW, I agreed with your assessment of Sestak's personality and odd speech patterns in your article. Sometimes he actually reminds me of Sarah Palin. You've had the benefit of covering him and interviewing him face-to-face over the years, so you've seen him more interactively.

    Anyway, so long, and enjoy the abundance of solitude on your blog.
