
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Tea Party Profiling

[Posted by Jake]

Tea Party critics got a civics lesson recently by Nigel Coleman, leader of the Danville TEA Party Patriots in southern Virginia. Coleman, who coincidentally is black, expressed concern that the "racist" label is so toxic that it undermines all responsible dialogue.

A grass roots movement that is predominantly white is not, and nor does it have to become, inevitably racist. "I went to a wine festival yesterday," Coleman said. "Weren't too many black people there, either. Nobody called them racists."


  1. maybe not a racist, but a violent teabagging nutcase none the less. this is the guy that organized an sutnt to burn Tom Periello and Nancy Pelosi in effigy, and supported the effort to publish Periellos home address online, encouraging the baggers to stop by and "pay him a visit" after he supported HCR. Unfortunately the idiots published his brother's address.

    A true role model for the rump of the party that is currently slouching through our national discourse.

  2. How do you consider the negative characterization "violent teabagging nutcase" to be anything but slouching through our national discourse?

    Since you have chosen to disparage a innocent black man and deny his God-given freedoms of expression and association, one can only assume that you are a shameful racist.

  3. and there it is. spence finally bottoms out.

  4. Irony is so lost on the strident left.
