
Saturday, July 24, 2010


[Posted by Jake]

A tumultuous week for the Obama administration as they showed us "racists" that they are just as confused as we are. The controversial NAACP speech by Ms Sherrod that was initially condemned, then later applauded, proved to be quite challenging to the White House spin meisters. Their quick strike strategy, designed to prevent the Breitbart/Beck/Fox commentators from enjoying multiple news cycles of documented liberal hypocrisy, really blew up in their face. With all the subsequent finger-pointing and psycho-babble, it seems like some obvious questions are being overlooked.

First, why should Ms Sherrod's supposed journey of self-discovery and reconciliation, on the taxpayer's dime no less, be so universally cheered? She chose to work in a field where she got paid to provide a service, not to pass judgment on her customers. It is not uncommon in anyone's occupation to meet people who are difficult and might offer opinions that conflict with your personal values. But it's not about us. It's about having pride in your work and doing the best job you can. Just because Ms Sherrod fancies herself some sort of transformational figure as she embraces her victim pathology is no reason for us to absolve her of unprofessional conduct.

Second, under the same circumstances, would a young, white male have gotten a similiar reinstatement, promotion and apology from the President that this woman received? Of course not. Politically-correct preferential treatment is so ingrained in our society that it was almost predictable that Ms Sherrod's reputation would be rehabilitated as soon as pictures of her, a maternal black woman, were publicly disseminated.

Finally, why has there been so little critical analysis of Obama's suspect rush to judgment in this case, just like his previous inappropriate interference in the Massachusetts police matter, better known as the "beer summit"? Who can forget the insipid admission, "I could have calibrated my words differently."? In both instances, the President's oversensitivity to his black constituency magnified minor incidents into major firestorms. Is it too much to expect thoughtful leadership on matters that could potentially polarize our nation?

The revelations about the liberal Journolists, the continued demagoguery against the Tea Party, and the Administration's frantic overreactions to anything racial, demonstrate a deteriorating civility and discretion. One definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Unfortunately, it is Obama himself who is leading the parade to the asylum.

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