
Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Voice of Evil

Unemployment, magical thinking and a crippling sense of entitlement. My print column is up.

From the comments KiBiK writes:
"First- BEN STEIN was a speechwriter for Richard M. NIxon, the liar, who had to resign the presidency. He is a lying sellout. So is Gil Spencer for suggesting that unemployed people are leeches of the state. He says that Corbett's statements that people out of work don't want to work were "obviously true". That is an EVIL thing to say. It is NOT true. As usual Gil blames the victim and ignores real numbers and real wages. Gil, I don't just think you are mistaken or confused any more. You know the truth and still you lie. You are evil.

For all the people who have tried so long to find a decent job and given up I apologize for Gil's lies and the pain he's causing you. And to Gil I say: I'm sure Satan has a wonderful place waiting for you among his staff of corporate MBAs."

As Charles Krauthammer has pointed out: Conservatives think liberals are stupid. Liberals think conservatives are evil.

KiBik is a nice example. He also proves some liberals can't read or don't bother. The key word here is "some." Read the column to find out if KiBiK's characterization of it is accurate or simply hysterical nonsense.

UPDATE: More liberal crackpottery from my old friend Karl Kofoed who e-mails:
Dear Gil,

Ben Stein (speechwriter for the admitted traitor Richard M. Nixon) is
a paid propagandist for corporate America. Clearly you are vying for
his job...

... After reading your column, it is now clear that reasoning with you is
pointless. You are evil itself, and you have become a propagandist
for intolerance which is anti-Christ. This was posted on an opinion
blog. It applies to people like you.

"Wealth should be seen less for its own qualities than for the human
misery it stands for. The large rooms of which you are so proud are
in fact your shame. They are big enough to hold parties, and also big
enough to shut out the voice of the poor. The poor man cries before
your house, and you pay no attention. There is your brother, naked,
crying, and you stand there in a dilemma over a choice of carpets."
-- St Ambrose of Milan

Karl Kofoed
Evil itself? Anti-Christ? Bueller?

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