
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

An Assassination in Ridley

About that neighbor on neighbor murder in Ridley, I suspect an extensive psychiatric evaluation in Mr. Dellavecchia's future.


  1. Another brave American exercising his second amendment rights to purchase a semiautomatic weapon and hollow point bullets. The hollow point bullet has two interrelated purposes: to increase its size once within the target, thus maximizing tissue damage and blood loss or shock, and by remaining in the target to expend all of its kinetic energy in the target. When are we going to learn?

  2. Bob, Bob, Bob it would take me many, many beers to explain to you that the gun, and his right to buy one are not the problem. The problem is there was a defined history of issues with this mentally deranged individual and no one, including the cops who spoke to him many time, noticed it.
    The right to own a gun, has nothing to do with the fact of what an individual does with it. It could have been a knife, a shovel, an ax. He could have run him down with a car to kill him, but you go after the tool, not the obviously deranged person using the inanimate object.
    If he had used his car, would you want cars banned, or would you limit peoples freedoms to drive?

    Let's talk mental health, where the problem lies!

  3. Danny, I'm not opposed to the second amendment, but I am opposed to semiautomatic weapons and hollow point bullets being readily available. With a car,ax,knife shovel, bolt action 22, even a shotgun, the victim would have stood a better chance. And I agree, mental health is an issue. Do you think a mental evaluation was performed before he was sold the guns and ammo? BTW Dan, I'd sit down with you anytime for a beer. Maybe Gil can put something together.

  4. None of those items you mentioned Danny are manufactured for the sole purpose of killing humans. That is the purpose of a handgun, period. As Bob alluded to, the victim has a chance with any of those other items. The second amendment does not say anything about giving the right to own a handgun just as it doesn't give the right to own a tank or have a working machine gun turret on the front lawn. I am all for gun ownership, it just shouldn't be so easy to get one.

  5. Neassean - I'm a firm believer in the second amendment & I would fight to protect it, but like you said,there's a limit as to what is acceptable. I hope the Times does a report on where and how Dellavecchia got these weapons and what criteria had to be met, if any.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Gil - Here's a challenge for you. Write a story about how and where this nut obtained his weapons, and what criteria had to be met for him to make the purchase.

  8. neassean.

    The second amendment gives a God given human right to bear arms. It does not differentiate between hand guns and long guns.
    As I thought I typed before, i have fired thousands of rounds at targets. So handguns can be used for other than killing.
    Also, I can own a tank or an automatic weapon. Do your research.
    Bob, anytime you want to meet in Media for a drink, let me know? Some Friday night. You can always get me at my blog!

  9. Bob,

    Man walks into a gun shop, asks to buy a gun. Gun dealer has him fill out a Federal 4473 form and runs his info through the PIC and NIC check. National FBI Database and PA State database. If the individual has no previous national or state criminal history and answers the questions on the 4473 he can leave with a gun and ammo. Same as when you buy a car.

  10. Bob,
    I am not a gun owner, and I used to think that people who talked about a well-armed militia as a little bit "out there".

    Then this past summer, Energy Secretary Chu said this about something as innocuous as lightbulbs, "We are taking away a choice that continues to let people waste their own money."

    We need all the protection we can get from people who want to pervert government into such intrusive and overbearing ends.

  11. Jake - So you want to take up arms to protect youself against lightbulb legislation? I've had the lightbulb argument here before. Here's what I've found -
    Late in his second term, George W. Bush signed into law the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which requires light bulb makers to improve the efficiency of incandescent bulbs by 25 percent. The details of the law dictated a phase-out of the manufacture of certain bulbs in their current incarnation, starting with 100-watt bulbs next January.

    The law does not ban the use or manufacture of all incandescent bulbs, nor does it mandate the use of compact fluorescent ones. It simply requires that companies make some of their incandescent bulbs work a bit better, meeting a series of rolling deadlines between 2012 and 2014.

    Furthermore, all sorts of exemptions are written into the law, which means that all sorts of bulbs are getting a free pass and can keep their energy-guzzling ways indefinitely, including “specialty bulbs” like the Edison bulbs favored by Mr. Henault, as well as three-way bulbs, silver-bottomed bulbs, chandelier bulbs, refrigerator bulbs, plant lights and many, many others.

    That being said, I ask you this. Would be be OK with your neighbor parking a tank in his drive, or say, mounting a machine gun on his roof? I'd be nervous with some of my neighbors owning a slingshot!

  12. Bob,

    Life is about choices, both good and bad. You know, the road less traveled and all that.

    The freedom to make your own choices is the fundamental and defining element of our American experience. We have to take responsibility and suffer the consequences of our bad choices, and we reap the benefits of our good choices.

    My problem with Energy Secretary Chu, and the liberal governance he espouses, is not lightbulbs, but rather the presumption that he can better decide the direction of my life than I can. (Remember, this bravado is from the guy who gave half a billion dollars to that Solyndra failure.)

    Of course I'm concerned about weapons in the wrong hands. But I'm just as concerned about a government that would try to impose its will on me. If the Second Amendment provides a small measure of deterrent, then it is a good and essential protection of our freedom.

  13. Jake - You're a bright guy. Are you telling me that there should be absolutely no restrictions on the ownership of firearms? For real? Even you must draw the line somewhere. So you tell me. A fully automatic machine gun? An RPG? A Sherman tank? Where do you draw the line Jake?

  14. Jake - You write "Life is about choices, both good and bad. You know, the road less traveled and all that." Jake, I'm sure even you would agree that part of our governmant's role is to protect the people who make good choices from those who make bad choices. No?

  15. Bob,
    I'm not a weapons guy, so I'm really not qualified to talk about where we should draw the line, if it needs any revision at all. I do know that it makes little sense to have the people promoting more government intrusion into our lives, rewriting the rules.

    As far as protection from the people making bad choices, I'm not arguing against municipal ordinances and local law enforcement. But that is not a power we need to give to concede to expensive and unaccountable Washington bureaucrats like Energy Secretary Chu.

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