
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Top of His Class

I have it on good authority that an informal poll of Harvard Law School professors on who the brightest student they ever had in class was... this guy.

My source?

This guy. How would he know? Just ask.

Clarification: My source sez: at least ONE Harvard profs sez this.


  1. His daughter goes to Harvard Law School. And she told him that's what her professors tell their students who ask.

  2. Well, he's no dummy, that's for sure.

  3. If he is so smart, how come he can't see that RomniCare is almost exactly as bad for the country as ObamaCare?

    I know many egg heads who can not tie their shoes. Smart as hell, IQ of 180, and not one stitch of common sense. Almost everyone knows someone like that.

    Just for the record, I will vote for whoever runs against Obama from the other side of the aisle. But the whole RomneyCare thing has me nervous about this guy.

    In PA we would be calling him a RINO. Him and Christie. But who knows, maybe he will become a Reagan like moderate?!!?

  4. How about Iron Hill at 6 on Friday? I will buy the first round.

  5. Danny,
    I'm out of town Friday. But maybe the following Friday.

  6. Works for me, but can we make it a little later in the evening? Say, 8or 9? And how about the Town House? I think Gil has a running tab there.

  7. The 21st through 23rd I will be away celebrating 28 years of wedded bliss. Maybe another night other than a Friday?

  8. Danny - After 28 yrs., you should be able to use one of your "get out of jail free" cards and show up Friday. But hey, we understand.
    Sunday nights are always good for me, and any weeknight except Thurs.
    BTW, congratulations on 28 yrs.

  9. Danny,
    Kudos on 28 years.
    Just celebrated 24 with the Mrs.
    She went to visit a friend and the real Jake and I went to the Phillies (first game--the good win).
    Probably going to have to be a more dutiful husband next year.
    Anyway, when you finalize beers, count me in.

  10. Thanks guys on the anniversary kudos! I sent an e mail to Gil to shop around for the 4 of us to get a date and location.

  11. Friday the 28th at a location and time to be named later. Who's in?

  12. Middletown Republicans have their fundraiser at Tyler Arboretum that night, starting at 6:30.
    Be a great place to get together. Meet the candidates. Soak up the flora and fauna.
    Should I put everybody on the list?

  13. Gil....I think Jakes trying to lure me into the woods.

  14. But officer, it can't be our Bob. He wouldn't be caught dead at a Republican fundraiser.
