Friday, November 25, 2011

Dumb Friday

This Black Friday stuff is for the birds. Waiting in line at 5 a.m. to buy a bunch of crap you could purchase online for the same price, is simply looney.

But then I feel the same way about going to Eagles games.

And Occupy Wall Street protests. I'm too old for such parties. At least with Black Friday it only lasts a few hours, once a year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep wishing that Black Friday would go the way of Occupy Wall Street... That is: Just go away. Any reasonable person would have to understand that the hype about Black Friday is merely a TV media creation... They get a lot of footage by showing the slobs camping out waiting for the stores to open to offer their deeply discounted prices to only a select number of people... The pepper spray incident makes it all come into perspective... Hopefully in my remaining years both OWS and Black Friday will be things of the past...

November 25, 2011 at 9:00 PM 

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