Friday, January 6, 2012

Santorum in the Lion's Den

Rick Santorum takes his social conservatism to New Hampshire and gets booed for his position on gay marriage by an audience of college kids.

And yet, it's hard not to believe that some (many?) GOP voters will appreciate Santorum's willingness to articulate and fight for traditional conservative views of marriage and morality.

Getting booed by a bunch of elite college kids is not the worst thing that could happen to a conservative presidential candidate.


Blogger Bob Bohne said...

He looked pretty bad. Sounded like the only argument he had up his sleeve was "What if 3 people want to get married?" Well, that's not the argument, because we're not asking to allow 3 people to marry. We're not asking for the legalization of polygamous relationships. That's a discussion Rick should have with Mitt because as we all know, Mitt has the scary secret Morman agenda!!!!

January 6, 2012 at 2:02 PM 
Blogger Dannytheman said...

Those kids won't be voting this time around. They are just finding out they might have to work for a living, instead of eating at the government trough!

Marriage is between Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!!

January 6, 2012 at 2:46 PM 
Blogger Squirrel said...

Why not just abolish the government's recognition of a state of marriage, along with any special considerations given to married couples? These retarded fights between groups of people with exaggerated self worth could all be ended if the government ended ALL special considerations given based on sex/color/ability and everyone was treated the same.

January 6, 2012 at 2:48 PM 
Blogger steve mcdonald said...

No, marriage is not our business to get into in the first place! Limited government for all, not some!

January 6, 2012 at 4:25 PM 
Blogger jake said...

Let everybody get married; suffering should be an inalienable right.
This really is a case of the drive-by media showing its bias. The students answered that marriage should be allowed because it makes people "happy".
Santorum rightly questioned if happiness was an appropriate basis for public policy decisions. Polygamy was merely offered as a rebuttal of the student's absurd logic.

January 6, 2012 at 4:55 PM 
Blogger CharlieSix said...

Bob: You are too predictable as a member of the left wing blog posters. You put things out as if they are fact when the are baseless. Such as your statement about the "the scary secret Morman agenda!!!!" of Mitt Romney. without having any reference whatsoever to any alleged scary secret Morman agenda. I had higher expectations of you, Bob. Just sayin' ...

January 7, 2012 at 12:57 AM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Charlie Six Pack a.k.a. Anon- How is it that someone as smart as you doesn't know about the Mitts Mormon agenda? You obviously don't pay attention to the news. If Romney is elected, he will push for the legalization of plural marriage, reinstate the 18th amendment (Charlie six pack of soda), invoke the Mormon law of chastity (no, not talking Chastity Bono),establish Zion, and erect a statue of Joseph Smith directly opposite of MLK. Look it up!

January 7, 2012 at 7:03 AM 
Blogger steve mcdonald said...

I hear Romney's going to start with a stimulus package aimed at finding those golden plates in the hills of New York State that Joseph Smith returned all those years ago.

I think Santorum's done. No money, no campaigning in NH or SC (A state he could have had), too many chips were placed on the table in Iowa.

Those kids have a point, a true conservative wants limited government for all, not just for some with poor excuses for others, so why do we get into individual's business about who they marry? Personally, I stopped trying to force my religious beliefs on the rest of the population years ago...

January 9, 2012 at 9:04 AM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Steve - Well, I'm glad someone understood my comments about Mitt's secret Mormon agenda. I'll say this about Santorum. Although I despise his agenda, he come's across as being sincere. But then again, who celebrates the birth of Christ by buying their kid a gun? Kind of weird if you ask me.
I believe in limited government too. And I'd like to see the tax system transformed. But Social Security is something that this country needs. It's worked. Can you imagine what the elderly in this country would be going through without it? The same thing goes for Medicaid and Medicade. Until you need it, like my Mom did in the last two years before her death, you don't understand how important it is. And yes. They should stay out of our bedrooms. Particularly mine.

January 9, 2012 at 10:38 AM 
Blogger steve mcdonald said...

My problem with Social Security is that I want the option to control my retirement as I choose it. With deflated American dollars, Debt growth exceeding GMP and no end to either in sight, I'd prefer to move my portion of funds to investments elsewhere. And why not? I'm certain that I could find investment that could exceed the federal 'riskless' rate.

Modernization of each entitlement needs to happen.

January 10, 2012 at 8:26 AM 
Blogger Bob Bohne said...

Steve - Maybe you could pull it off, but I don't believe most people have the discipline to save enough for retirement. That's why SS was created in the first place. How about all of those people who lost their life savings during the great depression? There was over a 50% poverty rate among seniors back then. And then there's the safety factor. Suppose you had invested your retirement fund with Madoff? Then what? I look at SS as the safety net. The base. You can sock away your extra money in whatever you please. That way even if your investments go south, you still have something.

January 10, 2012 at 3:37 PM 

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