Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Moore: Obama's a Superhero

Michael Moore is happily dumbstruck

"I simply can't believe it. This stunning, unprecedented action has left me speechless for the past two days. I keep saying, "Did Obama really fire the chairman of General Motors? The wealthiest and most powerful corporation of the 20th century? Can he do that? Really? Well, damn! What else can he do?!"

The wealthiest and most powerful corporation of the 20th century? What part of the 20th century? Today, GM is a failed corporation. A bankrupt corporation. A government-dependent corporation, looking for taxpayer handouts for its union workers. How pathetic is that?

But Moore is acting like the scalp of a failed CEO is worth celebrating.

Now he anxiously awaits the president's "next superhero move."

Hmmm. We wonder if Mr. Moore would be as delighted if a "superhero" Republican president fired the head of say, a newly government-supported NAACP and installed a "colored person" more agreeable to his administration? Or would he think that to be an egregious violation of presidential power?

We think it is (or would be) in either case.

Obama is playing Donald Trump in a political reality show that forks over billions of dollars of OUR money to a powerful and politically connected union.

GM belongs in bankruptcy where a "non-partisan" federal bankruptcy court can consider the interests of all vested parties for reorganization.

This failed company, brought low by too-much government regulation, too-strong a union, and too weak a management team and board, won't be helped by Barack Obama picking who gets to wear the title of CEO. And neither will American taxpayers.


Anonymous Bob said...

Gil - This is the 21st century, so GM's failure now has nothing to do with it being a top company of the 20th century.
Moore became famous for his film "Rodger and Me" where he went after GM CEO Rodger Smith. Of course he's going to crow about GM's CEO going down.

April 2, 2009 at 12:07 AM 
Blogger Spencerblog said...

Because whoever GM's CEO is, is evil right?

Doesn't that make Barack Obama evil?

p.s. It's "Roger and Me"

April 2, 2009 at 8:03 AM 

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