Sunday, December 4, 2011

School Administrations Are All Crazy?

(Posted by Dannytheman)

There seems to be a serious deficiency of common sense in many of the new school administration folks across the country.
Why do these School Administrators continue to make obviously stupid decisions?
This time in Boston area a 7 year old boy who was being bullied defends himself and is charged by the school with sexual harassment! Self defense is more what I see!!
This after yesterdays post about a 9 year old from North Carolina. From the Boston Area story:

Lynch (The boys mother)described a phone call she received from the school explaining that the case will be treated like sexual harassment, due to what it considers inappropriate touching.

"'Your son kicked a little boy in the testicles. We call that sexual harassment,'" Lynch said the school told her.

UPDATE (Posted by Spencerblog): They ain't the only ones:


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