More on Religious Freedom, Victim a Doofus.
(Posted by Dannytheman)
In Mechanicsburg, PA, which lies just west of Harrisburg, PA, it looks to many, including me, that Sharia Law has arrived.
Read it yourself, right here. How do we hold a Judge up to misconduct charges? So, in his eyes, everyone who wants to can walk up to a anti abortion protester and bust them in the mouth? I mean they are stressing their religious beliefs, and if you are pro choice, go pop them in the mouth?(In Mechanicsburg, at least)
My personal favorite line from the Judges own mouth, "Here in our society, we have a Constitution that gives us many rights, specifically First Amendment rights. It's unfortunate that some people use the First Amendment to deliberately provoke others. I don't think that's what our forefathers intended. I think our forefathers intended to use the First Amendment so we can speak with our mind, not to piss off other people and cultures – which is what you did."
In Mechanicsburg, PA, which lies just west of Harrisburg, PA, it looks to many, including me, that Sharia Law has arrived.
Read it yourself, right here. How do we hold a Judge up to misconduct charges? So, in his eyes, everyone who wants to can walk up to a anti abortion protester and bust them in the mouth? I mean they are stressing their religious beliefs, and if you are pro choice, go pop them in the mouth?(In Mechanicsburg, at least)
My personal favorite line from the Judges own mouth, "Here in our society, we have a Constitution that gives us many rights, specifically First Amendment rights. It's unfortunate that some people use the First Amendment to deliberately provoke others. I don't think that's what our forefathers intended. I think our forefathers intended to use the First Amendment so we can speak with our mind, not to piss off other people and cultures – which is what you did."
Mechanicsburg? That is on the edge of what we called the Bible belt. So now it is the Koran sash?
Isn't there some checking in our judicial system to allow the termination of a judge who so violates his position? A man was apparently violently attacked for expressing an unpopular opinion. So, according to this judge violence is acceptable behavior.
We also see it in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and unfortunately we see it in USA. But usually in USA it is deemed unacceptable behavior ala Flyers fan at Geno's.
Mechanicsburg is the edge of Pennsyltucky in my eyes. This guy has no idea how the first amendment works, and he is making judgements that are asinine! I will attempt to keep an eye out and see where this one goes!
Pennsyltucky - cute, and an accurate assessment - at least in 1970.
Separation of Church and State Danny. I agree that this judge should at least be reprimanded, if not barred from the bench. This is a great example of the danger of allowing religion into the courtroom. And if I were you, I'd be buying more guns and ammo.
Right on target, Danny. Unreal. However, there is a study out there where it looks into Muslim population in the US. Seems that the average American family raises maybe 2 or 3 children, the immigrant Muslim families are raising like 8. And they are coming over in droves. This is not by chance, this is a plan. Do the math, our country's futureis in jeopardy.
WOW! Those muslims are like rabbits!
i just want to say, Religion is also a crime!!
That population issue has come up in almost every immigrant society. The Catholic Irish and Italians, the Hispanic folks, were all having 8 kids and going to take over. I fear nothing from the majority of the Muslim people, only those with terroristic attitudes. I value their beliefs as long as they remain peaceful.
Guns? I'm still clinging to mine, Bob!
I am with you guys in spirit. But did anyone watch the video of the incident that was posted at the link?
This guy was walking down the street screaming "I am the prophet Mohammed zombie form the dead.
The victim was clearly looking to insight something with camera ready.
You should buy more Danny. And if Rdub has a problem with Muslims having 8 kids, maybe he should get behind a move to offer free contraception.
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Geeze Bob nothing is free. Someone has to pay. They wouldn't take it anyway, even if someone paid them. On that Bob, are you at work?
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RDub - What business is it of your's where I am?
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