U.S. Deserters Sent Home from Canada
Canada is sending U.S. military deserters home to face the music. Mostly that music will be nothing more than a dishonorable discharge which the deserters will well deserve.
Leaving their comrades in arms to take up their slack is not honorable behavior.
This is, afterall, an all-volunteer army. People who sign up do so with the knowledge that they could be sent places they don't particularly like and put in Harm's Way. In return for their commitment they receive numerous benefits, not the least of which is the grateful respect of their countrymen for their service.
Those who cheat on that deal, don't deserve that respect.
It is easy to sympathize with some young men who immaturely joined the military but found they had a true distaste for rules and regulations it imposed on them. Those who saw combat and found that they were psychologically unsuited for it are even easier to sympathize with. But neither can justify desertion.
No doubt, some of these young men have convinced themselves they were acting heroically by fleeing an immoral war. But many more will live to regret their actions as they mature. It will be the tragedy of their lives and theirs to live with.
Leaving their comrades in arms to take up their slack is not honorable behavior.
This is, afterall, an all-volunteer army. People who sign up do so with the knowledge that they could be sent places they don't particularly like and put in Harm's Way. In return for their commitment they receive numerous benefits, not the least of which is the grateful respect of their countrymen for their service.
Those who cheat on that deal, don't deserve that respect.
It is easy to sympathize with some young men who immaturely joined the military but found they had a true distaste for rules and regulations it imposed on them. Those who saw combat and found that they were psychologically unsuited for it are even easier to sympathize with. But neither can justify desertion.
No doubt, some of these young men have convinced themselves they were acting heroically by fleeing an immoral war. But many more will live to regret their actions as they mature. It will be the tragedy of their lives and theirs to live with.
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This is, afterall, an all-volunteer army. People who sign up do so with the knowledge that they could be sent places they don't particularly like and put in Harm's Way. In return for their commitment they receive numerous benefits, not the least of which is the grateful respect of their countrymen for their service.
Those who cheat on that deal, don't deserve that respect.
Yep. Been saying the very same thing for some time now.
I recall reading a story where the anti-war/Bush LibDaves were actually promoting this cowardice run to Canada. Such secondhand Libism should be an actionable crime. Isn't promoting crime a crime?
We should get back to shooting deserters.
No matter how many times you say otherwise, DDD, our military is indeed all volunteer. Period. Anything else is the lie.
And the day they reinstate the draft myself and family are moving to Ireland. No Ward is going to be put in harms way for a pack of lies.
Oh, we get to pick and choose which wars we like and which we don’t now. That’s nice.
Why don't you just pack up and leave now?
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R, you have never served, I suspect your pansy ass would be the first to pack it up and split for canada if faced with the prospect of going to fight in iraq.
"The problem with Bush's (and yours) interpretation of "all-volunteer" is that once a soldier has completed his tour of duty, the military tries to forcibly extend the tour of duty."
Bush's interpretation? My interpretation? The Military doesn't "try"... it actually extends tours of duty based on need. Once again, it wasn't Bush's idea or mine, it was Congress' idea to allow this.
Diano apparently has a serious problem with how our democratic republic works.
But what else is new?
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r said...
Oh, we get to pick and choose which wars we like and which we don’t now. That’s nice. Why don't you just pack up and leave now?
Because I'm waiting for my "Stimulus check"? Waiting for the Phillies to be in the World Series? How's this: I'm waiting for Americans to wake up and take back what is rightfully theirs according to the Constitution?
Cheers Archie..
"Soldiers have a legitimate right to refuse illegal orders and a backdoor draft."
Legitimate, huh? Not to be confused with legal. But leave it to looney left to justify desertion.
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leave it to looney left to justify desertion.
Right. Treason too.
Dave’s really sounding like an overly emotional woman here. Why so upset, DDD? Get a hold of yourself.
Allow me to parse your weepy childish inanity…
Since the war was unnecessary to begin with, no REAL need.
Still nursing your hurt feelings from 5 years ago. Get over.
Car manufacturers have not been converted to make tanks, jeeps and other war machinery. There is no draft. There is no burden asked of the citizenry (taxes, recycling, rationing, a draft)
Right I said this before. Kinda makes “Bush’s war” seem not so bad after all. And yet you weep anyway…
The "Don't Ask Don't Tell" rules are applied unevenly, as some gays that want to get out are not being released from duty, while others that want to stay are dismissed.
Unsubstantiated lies. Using the war to promote your Gay Agenda. Dishonest.
President that has assumed/invented non-Constitutional executive powers and refused to obey the laws governing the powers he has been granted.
Quitchurweeping. He’s done no such thing. Things you’ve been crying about for months like the warrantless wiretaps have now been shown to be perfectly constitutional …and now legal.
Soldiers have a legitimate right to refuse illegal orders and a backdoor draft. As one party in a contract with the soldiers, the government does not the right to alter the terms of the contract unilaterally, regardless of some fine print that refers to a separate rule book. It's a bait-and-switch that differs from the clear understanding the soldiers had regarding the terms of their service.
Just making it up as you go.
As for a discharge, honorable or dishonorable, what the government is doing to these soldiers is dishonorable.
Third grade. Girl.
There are many things that are not legitimate but technically "legal", because those have not yet been properly challenged.
Sure. Things like gay marriage. And every time We The People are permitted to properly challenege it, it gets shut down as not legitimate or legal. (hehehe)
If you can't quit, then you really aren't a volunteer.
Another invented definition from the Dictionary of Dishonest Dave. Just making it up as he goes… weeping all the way…
It is ever apparent that the Daves base their entire “arguments” against the war on nothing more than their petty hurt feelings dislike of Bush. And that is certainly not something on which to base war policy. This is why they have been largely dismissed from serious discussions on the topic. Sorry, weepers. Yous did it to yourselves.
Diano claims the law against desertion is "wrong" and people of "good character need to stand up against it."
I'd love to see Barack Obama take that advice. Preferably at the Democratic Convention.
Citizen Obama announcing that he was "Not Reporting for Duty" would perfectly sum up the attitude of the nominating-base of his party and the wingnut left.
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And if Obama doesn't end the war, as he is signaling with his pivot to the center and his trip to Iraq, the nutroots will be furious.
But it's only fair, he should announce amnesty for deserters now.
That way they can come home and vote for him.
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That would be an interesting question to bring up during the first McCain-Obama presidential debates.
Do you think deserters from the U.S. military hiding out in other parts of the world ought to be allowed to vote in U.S. elections?
And should we pass a law to prevent it?
Gee, I wonder what Obama would say to that?
I smell the makings of a column, G!
Only a treasonous cowardly Lib like Dishonest Dave could defend cowardice –dissertion- as somehow good.
All because mean ol’ Bushie hurt his feelings… Lol…
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pushing unwilling men to their deaths
Huh? "To their deaths"?? Kinda shrill, dontcha think, DDD?
But I know what you mean. How about all them poor unwilling working stiffs like me who get pushed to our deaths when we don't want to go to work Monday morning. But we still want that pay check. Damn that Bush...
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I don't think the garbage trucks have Internet connections.
DDD once again looking down his smug nose at decent hard working folk he deems beneath himself. Extra funny (-Lib backwards) when one considers how he at the same time advocates for endless handouts for the lazy and terminally unemployed.
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No, Liar Dave, indeed once again you used the "garbage man" as an insult. Much as you use "gay" as a slur.
See, even when you're clearly caught you can't man up to it. That's what happens when a person lacks integrity. A true Lib you are.
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Wiggle on, ya liar.
BTW, I once knew a "trash man" who made six figures a year.
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steve mcdonald theory fo common sense states that a member of the military who volunteered for duty and deserted = deserter.
end of debate?
End of debate. (Not that there ever really was one.)
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Still clinging to the childish and dishonest Michael Moore Standard, eh DDD. Lol...
Nope. Deserters are deserters. But since you hate the Military, our President and "Bush's war", you see deserters as somehow good. To you cowardly is brave and treason is patriotic. Which actually says a lot about you.
"illegal policies", guess that wipes out boot camp and just about everything else in the united states military. Why not just let the PC movement invade so every soldier gets a soccer troply and no one is offended?
You have to stop watching movies on AMC, diano. Check out "They Live": starring the immortal Roddy Piper. Definately a John Carpenter cult classic...
To most, quitting isn't considered a positive attribute. But Dave views it much differently.
Didn’t he ever hear that "quitters never win and winners never quit"? And certainly, wishing to undermine our military just and only because of his petty personal hurt feelings dislike of our President is hardly a good reason for him to advocate cowardly desertion.
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No it's not and simply saying so doesn't make it any truer, DDD.
Stop weeping for our troops anyway. You hate them, they hate you... stop using them in your petty Bush bashing.
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Sure I’m saddened by the losses and injuries but I also know that’s what happens in war. And they did sign up for it knowing the risks. And 4000 lost in a five year war really isn’t that bad compared to other wars. Pretty darn good, even. A testament to technology and medical advances and sound war policy.
Besides, you’re tears are crocodile anyway. You just use your feigned concern for our troops as another way to bash Bush, just like the rest of your Hurt Feelings buddies do. Everyone knows you Libs hate the military. Look how you treated our boy when they returned from Vietnam. Yep, as despicable then as it is now, ya liar.
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Still clinging and crying about that, eh? How long do you suppose you and your hurt feelings will be crying like a school girl about that, DDD? Hmm?
Here's the thing about that whole "Mission Accomplished" red LibDem herring: Bush never said that was the end of the war, only that it was the end of major combat and marked the fall of Saddam. Which it was.
And why must you always slip in a line about gay sex? Are you a gay, DDD? Do you enjoy sex with men? Because you sure talk about it a lot. And, to be honest, I have a little trouble believing you're married or that you even like women. And you often use gay as a slur. Maybe you have a little self hatred thing going on too?
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No. That marked the end of major combat. From there it was just dealing with the Sand Libs and policing their “civil war”. (hehe!)
But I can see how your petty personal dislike of Bush would cause a simpleton Lib like you to cling to those hurt feelings all these years later. (snicker)
I lifted a finger to support our troops. Several of them. Here on this keyboard. Lifted a pen and got my checkbook out in support of them too. (Somehow I’m guessing that a military-hater like you have never contributed to a troop care package drive. But even if you did, in your response here don’t try to use this as a distraction for your other childish idiocy you posted here.)
By definition wars are not “safe”. And it’s kinda hard to fight one from home. (Although you have done your cowardly best to undermine our war effort as you have waged your insergetncy against America from safely behind your computer.)
Only 4000 soldiers lost in a five year war??!! That seems remarkable. Really good, in fact, when compared to other wars!
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